to the specific requirements, there is a wide variety of component layouts and
capacity outputs for grinding plants. Every specific detail has an influence on
process design. CMS has accomplished various turnkey projects with a wide range
of capacity and plant layouts.
typical grinding plant consists of these fundamental units;
- Feeding Unit: selection of feeding unit is made
according to the feed particle size distribution, moisture and other material
- Grinding Unit: Mill selection is made according to the
material properties and capacity requirements. After the mill selection, all
related handling systems can be designed due to the capacity requirements.
Custom preferences can be applied.
- Dynamic Classifying and De-dusting: The most
determining factor for the overall capacity is the dynamic classifying unit.
Volumetric air flow rate and operating pressure values are determined for every
single system. By the means of new generation mill integrated and/or separate
dynamic classifiers, high efficiency and capacity outputs can be obtained.
Coarse particle prevention systems guarantee the upper limits of the particle
size distribution. This limit can be determined by the help of adjustable rotor
rpm. with frequency drive controls. De-dusting is done by cyclones and jet
pulse filters.
- Product Stock and Filling Stations: Stock unit are
designed for the desired capacity. According to the specific necessities,
filling station consists of silo truck filling station, big-bag filling units,
sack fillers and combinations of these.